To open an account, please follow the steps below
1, 【Web】
Click [Create Account]
Tap [Create Account]
2, After entering your email address, click [Register] (in case you register with your Facebook, Google or Twitter account (or Apple ID for iOS device), please make sure to remember your login email and password)
3, The verification code will be sent to the email address that you used to register.
Please make sure to check the SPAM mailbox and check your phishing email settings to let your account receive this domain:
4, After entering the verification code, password, and confirmation password, please read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
If you agree to them, please check the box and click [Submit].
* Please note that the verification code is valid for 15 minutes. Please click [resend] if you exceed the time limit.
* Password setting rules:
・Between 8-50 characters
・Must contain both uppercase and lowercase characters
・Password must contain at least 1 number and 1symbol (e.g.!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;>=<?@[\]^_{|}~).
5, A screen called "Verify your Identity" will appear. Please click "Start" and proceed to registration.
※ In case you don't see the mentioned above screen, please click the human-shaped icon and click on the status under your email address and proceed for the User Registration.
6, Register User Information:
Register your user information. Enter your Nationality, First name, Middle & Last name,
Date of Birth, Gender, Country Code and Phone Number
7, Please click [Continue] after filling in all the information. You have successfully registered your bitcastle account.
For more details, please visit:
If you have further inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact our Support Team via "Contact Us" function.