Please note the following points:
・For security reasons, the 6-digit two-step verification code is updated every 30 seconds. Therefore, it is necessary to enter the code within the validity period for two-factor authentication.
・ There is a circular timer next to the 6-digit code, so please check it while typing.
・ If you enter the code when the number has just been updated, you can enter it more easily.
・ Close the two-factor authentication app completely and restart it.
・ It is possible that the time of the timer rarely changes.
However, it rarely happens that the time slightly gets changed automatically.
Please check the following options.
① Go to 「Settings」
② Select 「General」then 「Date & Time」
③ Turn on the 「Set Automatically」
① Tap 「Settings」
② Tap 「Date & time」
③ Turn on Auto date & time by tapping the switch or the checkbox. Enabled when the switch is in the 'On' position or when a checkmark is present.
Turn on the Auto time zone by tapping the switch or the checkbox.
*Google Authenticator app > Settings > Code Time Adjustment> Select ""Sync Now""
If you have further inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact our Support Team via "Contact Us" function.