Please follow the steps below.
【PC web】
Login> Click [Wallet] on the top right corner of the screen > Click [Trade] > Click [Withdrawal Address] > Click the "Trash can icon" on the right end of the withdrawal address you want to delete.
【Mobile web】
Login > Tap human-shaped icon on the top right corner of the screen > Select [Wallet] > Select [Trade]>Human inside the notebook icon >Tap the "Trash can icon" right beside the withdraw address.
Tap "Wallet" on the bottom right corner of the screen > Tap the "human inside the notebook" icon on the top right side on the screen >Tap the "Trash can icon" right beside the withdraw address.
※ Please make sure to click or tap 「Confirm」after you click the trush-mark.
If you have further inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact our Support Team via "Contact Us" function.