You can not withdraw from Futures Wallet directly. Instead, to withdraw your bitcastle Futures account, please transfer the balance from your Futures Wallet to your Trade Wallet, and then try to withdraw balance from your Trade Wallet.
Please refer the following steps.
① Log in to your bitcastle account > tạp [Wallet] > tap [Futures]
② Tap to [Transfer] on the right side of your screen to transfer your balance.
③ Set up the information as the following:
- From: [FUTURES]
- To: [TRADE]
- Currency: USDT (you can transfer USDT only)
- Amount: USDT amount you would like to transfer from your available balance of Futures Wallet
④ Click [Transfer]
⑤ Recheck your balance in Trade Wallet.
⑥ Try to withdraw the amount as you wish.
[Mobile web]
① Log in to your bitcastle account > tap to Human shape icon on the right above of your screen > [Wallet] > tap [Futures]
② Tap to [Transfer].
③ Set up the information as the following:
- From: [FUTURES]
- To: [TRADE]
- Currency: USDT (you can transfer USDT only)
- Amount: USDT amount you would like to transfer from your available balance of Futures Wallet
④ Click [Transfer]
⑤ Recheck your balance in Trade Wallet.
⑥ Try to withdraw the amount as you wish.
You can not transfer your balance from your Futures Wallet to HIGH&LOW Wallet and inverse.
Futures function is available on website and mobile web only. We will release it on iOS and Android soon.
If you have further inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact our Support Team via "Contact Us" function.