This article contains the following sections:
I. How to deposit Crypto with Onramper
II. How to deposit Crypto with Transak
III. How to deposit Crypto with Alchemy
Please follow these steps to buy Crypto with:
One special thing about Onramper is: It allows you to add all payment methods provided by all onramps aggregated in Onramper's API and widget solution. In a simpler way, Onramper includes all other 3 payment methods that bitcastle provides (Transak, Alchemy) and many methods more that offers users a greater variety of payment method choices.
(1) Log into bitcastle website. Move the cursor to [Buy Crypto] button in the top left corner. From the dropdown list, choose the option you desire (bank transfer or credit card)
(2) On the payment screen, select Coin and set Deposit Method as Onramper, select Network and [Continue]
*Note: Default wallet is Spot Wallet
(4)The Onramper Payment screen will appear.
*Onramper Payment screen:
(5) Choose amount of Fiat Currency and you can see the corresponding amount of Cryptocurrency.
- Please pay attention to the minimum amount that will be displayed in red color under the amount field
(6) Continue to choose the payment method (fees will be displayed)
(7) Choose the financial instruments (ex: credit card, bank transfer, google pay, apple pay etc.)
*Note: - Each Fiat currency will have its corresponding financial instruments. If you can not find credit cards, it means that Fiat currency is not supported with credit card.
- The success payment rate when using bank transfer is higher compared to using various types of cards or some other methods.
(8) Click [Buy USDT]. You will be connected to a screen where you have to fill your personal information such as email address and password, verification code, terms & policies agreements etc.
Some examples:
*Note: On some other payment methods, you will have to fill your phone number or do Identity verification (aka KYC). Please choose carefully the payment method and then follow their detailed instruction.
(9) You will continue following the instruction until the end of the payment process ( card information, bank account information, bank transfer QR code, final confirmation etc.)
- Depending on each payment method you choose, you will receive different screen and different requirements
Some examples:
*Checking result on bitcastle:
(10) Go back to bitcastle deposit screen and click [Wallet]. Choose [Overview]
(11) Choose [Transaction History]
(12) On the Deposit/Withdraw Transaction History screen, you will see your deposit result (pending or completed)
(1) Log into bitcastle website. Move the cursor to [Buy Crypto] button in the top left corner. From the dropdown list, choose the option you desire (bank transfer or credit card)
(2) Select the currency you wish to purchase and set「Transak」as Deposit Method.Then click「Continue」.
(3) Transak payment screen will appear. Please enter required information for each sector.
① Enter the amount you want to pay
② Select the legal currency you want to pay with.Then the system will show you the amount you get in the currency you have chosen to buy.
③ You can check the fees by clicking 「See fees calculation」
④ Choose one of the available payment methods.
※ Different legal currencies have different available payment methods.
⑤ Confirm your order details then click 「Buy Now」
※ Your transaction is not going to be processed yet.
(4) If you choose 「Card Payment 」
① Please enter your received address
② Confirm your order details then click 「Buy ●● 」
※「●●」is the currency you wish to purchase.
③ Enter the verification code that the system sends to your email address.
④ Check the box and click 「Continue 」
⑤ Enter required information: First name, Last name, Mobile number, Date of birth
⑥ Click 「Continue 」
⑦ Enter your address information: Address Line, State, City, Zip Code, Country.
⑧ Click 「Continue 」
⑨ Start verifying your identity by clicking 「Start verification 」
Then follow the instructions and requirements to complete verification.
※ If your verification is failed, this pop-up will appear. Please click 「Complete the KYC 」to retry this step.
※ If your verification is successful, you will see this notification.
Please click 「Order Now 」to continue.
※ When your KYC is approved, you will receive an email from Transak as well.
⑩ Add new card details: Card number, Expiry date, CVV then click 「Add Card 」
※ If you’ve already registered the credit card before, you won’t need to fill in from second time.
⑪ Please check for each statement, tick the box then click 「Confirm 」
※ Please make sure to read each terms and conditions.
※ If your order failed, please check all the information again and retry.
⑫ Please read and understand the risks stating here and after you agree with this, please click the 「I Understand The Risks 」 and confirm your payment.
⑬ Congratulations! Your transaction has been completed.
(5) If you choose 「GPay 」
① Please enter your received address
② Confirm your order details then click 「Buy ●● 」
※「●●」is the currency you wish to purchase.
③ Confirm your order, tick on the box then click 「Confirm 」
※ The system will redirect you to another landing page to confirm your payment
④ Click 「Pay with Gpay 」
⑤ Choose one of your available Gmail account
⑥ Add details of new credit or debit card: Card number, Expiry date, CVV, Cardholder name, and Billing address, then click 「Pay」
⑦ Congratulations! Your payment has been successful.
※ If your order failed, please check all the information again and retry.
(1) Log into bitcastle website. Move the cursor to [Buy Crypto] button in the top left corner. From the dropdown list, choose the option you desire (bank transfer or credit card)
(2) Select the currency you wish to purchase and set「Alchemy」as Deposit Method.Then click「Continue」.
(3) In case your page is blocked by third-party cookies disablement
Click「Try on Alchemy Pay」 to continue the payment process
※ In case your page isn’t blocked by third-party cookies disablement, you can ignore this step and move to the next step.
(4) Please enter required information for each sector.
① Enter the amount you want to pay
② Select the legal currency you want to pay with
③ The system will show you the amount you get in the currency you have chosen to buy.
※ The price will change depending on the blockchain network
※ The exchange rate of the currencies you have chosen would be automatically updated after every 15s
④ Confirm all the fees by clicking 「△」then click 「Proceed」
※ Your transaction is not going to be processed yet.
(5) Enter your email address, click the checkbox and click「Proceed」
(6) Please enter the 6-digit number received in your email address.
※ This code is valid for 300s. If the code's validity period has passed, please check another code.
(7) In case you have never received the currency you are purchasing on bitcastle
Enter your receiving wallet address and click「Proceed」
※ If your received address has been saved before, you can ignore this step and move to the next step.
(8) After entering the code, the 「Choose payment method」screen will appear.
You can select 「Card」 or 「Google Pay」
(9) If you choose 「Google Pay」
① Select 「Google Pay」
② Click「Proceed」
※ Your transaction is not going to be processed yet.
(10) If it requires you to verify your identity, please follow the instructions to complete the process.
If it does not, please skip this step and move to step (11).
(11) The「Confirm your payment」 screen will be displayed.
Click on the 🔽 icon to view order details.
Click「Confirm the payment」 →
(12) The「」 page will be displayed.
*If the Gmail login screen appears, please log in to your Gmail account.
(13) Enter each credit card information.
*Only MasterCard & Visa cards can be used
①Credit card number
②Credit card expiration date
③Security code
④Credit card holder name
(14) Click 「PAY」
(15) If you select to pay by 「Card」
(16) Please enter credit card details:.
① First name
② Last name
③ Card number
④ Expiration date
⑤ CVV number
Then click「Confirm」
(17) Payment result
① In case your payment is successful, you will see this popup
② Please recheck the quantity, Network and your Order ID
③ System also sends you a confirmation email.
In case your payment is failed, this popup will display.
Please go back to bitcastle and try to purchase it again.
For further details, please visit:
If you have further inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact our Support Team via "Contact Us" function.