To be able to trade HIGH&LOW using JPY, you will need to transfer JPY from "Funding wallet" to HIGH&LOW wallet" by following the steps below:
1. Click the [Wallet] icon on the top right of the screen
2. Select [Funding] annd click [Transfer]
3. Select [FUNDING] in the [From] field
4. Select [HIGH&LOW[ in the [To[ field
5. Select [JPY] in the [Currency] field
6. Enter the amount of JPY you want to transfer to "HIGH&LOW wallet
7. Click "Transfer"
Now you can trade HIGH&LOW using JPY with simple steps as follows:
1. On the main page, click "HIGH&LOW" on the top of the screen
2. Click "HIGH&LOW Trading"
3. Select your Trading pair
*BTC/USD is set as default, you can select other pairs by clicking [BTC/USD]
4. Select trading mode [Lightning] or [HIGH/LOW]
5. Select the timeframe
6. Select [JPY] next to the [Amount] field
7. Enter the order amount in the [Amount] field
8. Click [HIGH] or [LOW] to place your order
If you have further inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact our Support Team via "Contact Us" function.