You will get the result of your KYC verification within 24 hours maximum. However, please note that it may take over 24hours depends on your application status.
The review results will be displayed under your email address (the status). You can find your email address by following the steps below:
【PC web】&【Mobile web】
Log in > Click or tap the human-shaped icon on the top right of the screen.
Log in > Tap the human-shaped icon on the top left of the screen.
The statuses:
- "Verified" in green: your KYC submission is successfully approved.
- "Unverified" in orange: you have not completed the KYC verification/ your KYC submiss.
- "Rejected" in red: your KYC submission has been rejected - you can click the status and check the disapproval reasons.
- "Pending" in yellow: your KYC submission is in review process.
If you have further inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact our Support Team via "Contact Us" function.