Rules of using Futures Bonus:
a)The bonus can only be used for futures trading, where the profits generated from the trades can be withdrawn, but not the bonus itself. The bonus will be cleared from the account once expired.
b)The bonus can be used as a margin for trades, or to be deducted for trading fee, loss and funding fee purposes.
c)Any bonus deduction will be reflected in capital flow. Any bonus deduction for trading fee, loss and funding fee purposes may be combined into one transaction in the capital flow. Assume you have a 5 USDT bonus in your account, you suffer a loss of 2.50 USDT from an order after closing the position, and the trading fee is 0.03 USDT. In this case, the bonus deduction will be reflected as -2.503 USDT in the capital flow. Assume you have a 2 USDT bonus in your account, you suffer a loss of 2.50 USDT from an order after closing the position, and the trading fee is 0.03 USDT. In this case, the bonus deduction will be reflected as -2 USDT in the capital flow.
d)Any transfer of assets out of your futures account before the bonus is fully used will cause the bonus (the bonus is being kept in available balance, held in the orders, held in the positions) to be cleared. The risk of position liquidation should be noted.
e) The bonus will keep valid for predefined days (for example: 14 days) upon being received. Upon expiry, the unspent part (the bonus is being kept in available balance, held in the orders, held in the positions) will be automatically withdrawn by the system (12:00 UTC). The risk of position liquidation should be noted.
f) Commission is not applicable with the positions that the fees are deducted using Futures Bonus.
How to check your bonus:
1. Bonus balance:
The bonus was distributed to your futures account, excluding the part being deducted into the Futures Positions. To check the balance,
a) Open the Website and go to [Wallet] - [Futures].
b) Or open the Website and go to [Futures] - [USDT-M Futures], then check [Assets] section.
c) Or open the App and click on [Wallet] - [Futures].
2. Total available balance:
Merged from the available bonus and available real balance. This is ready for placing orders. To check the total available balance, open the Website and go to [Futures] - [USDT-M Futures], then at [Order Form] section, check AVAIL parameter.
If you have further inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact our Support Team via "Contact Us" function.