Please follow these following steps:
bitcastle does not provide advice or forecasts on personal investments.
Please refer to the following and make your own decision as to which order method to choose.
(1) Go to Futures trading screen.
[PC Web]
Log into bitcastle website. Click on [ Futures] button and the trading screen will appear.
[Mobile Web]
After logging in, tap the 3 line icon in the top right of the screen.
Choose [Futures] --> continue choosing [USDT - M Future]
After logging into the App, choose [Futures] icon on the main screen with other icons like Deposit, Withdraw, Trade, etc.
(2) Check your available Futures Balance and deposit if necessary. It is not possible to deposit directly into the Futures Wallet. You have to deposit to your Trade Wallet then transfer from Trade Wallet to Futures Wallet. To deposit, tap “Deposit” button. You will start the depositing process. After depositing, you can transfer funds by tapping the “swap" icon > choose “Wallet” > choose “Futures” and then tap “Transfer”. Remember to swap the wallets correctly, choose Currency (only USDT can be transferred) and fill the Amount.
(3) The default currency pair is displayed as "BTC/USDT" in the top. If you want to select another currency, click here and choose the desired currency pair from "All Pairs."
(4) Leverage Mode: There are two types: "Isolated” and '’Cross Margin'’, currently only '”Isolated” is available.
*Cross Margin is available. Please check other articles that related to Cross Margin Mode.
To adjust the leverage, you can either adjust the slider or click '+/-' to specify the amount. Then click 'Confirm'.
The larger the position size, the less leverage you can use. In contrast, the smaller the position size, the greater the leverage available. Using higher margins also increases the risk of liquidation.
(5) You can use support from our Help Center here.
(6) Position mode: a mode in which you can choose to hold only one position or both.
You can choose between “One-way Mode” and ”Hedge Mode”.
(7) Choose Order Type: Select either “Limit order” or “Market order”.
Limit orders
A limit order is an order placed in the order book with a specific limit price. When a limit order is placed, the trade will only be executed if the market price reaches or exceeds the specified price. With a limit order, you can buy at a price lower or sell at a price higher than the current market price.
Market orders
A market order is an order to buy or sell immediately at the best current price. Market orders are executed against limit orders in the order book. When placing a market order, you pay a commission as a market taker.
(8) Enter the desired price here. For the market order, you do not need to do this step.
(9) And enter the amount
Slide this (10) to select what percentage of your available balance you wish to use for trading.
(11) If you tick the 'Profit/loss' box, an item for how much you would like to gain or lose will appear, and you can enter the desired amount.
(12) In the end, you decide whether to '’buy'’ or '’sell'.
(13) Check Order History, Position History under the trading chart.
For further details, please visit:
If you have further inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact our Support Team via "Contact Us" function.