To be able to register as an Elite trader on bitcastle, you will need to follow these steps:
1. Log into your bitcastle account and choose [Derivatives] and then choose [Copy Trading]
2. On the Copy trading homepage, choose [Become an Elite trader]
3. Continue to choose [Apply]
4. Complete Registration step: When users want to become Elite Traders on the platform, they need to register their information to undergo an Insight check in their trading history to ensure compliance with the criteria set by the platform. The system will send the registration notification to the Customer Support team, and they will directly verify the registration information.
The Registration step is composed of 3 parts:
- Terms & Agreements Confirmation: In this step, users need to review the platform's policies and agree to those terms. Click [Continue] if you finish this step.
- Information Submission: Users need to input the required information:
+ Profile photo: Personal profile picture that can be uploaded directly or chosen from the system's default images (including current NFT images)- click [Edit] to choose profile picture.
+ Nickname
+ Telegram ID
+ Self - Introduction
Click [Continue] if you finish this part
- Deposit & Start Trading: To complete the profile and to be able to appear on the bitcastle's Elite Trader list, users need to deposit or transfer a minimum of $100 into their Derivatives Trading account to meet the platform's conditions. During the In-Review phase, users can view their profile and share it with others. However, this Elite Trader profile will not be displayed on the Leaderboard, and followers cannot copy trade from this trader.
Note 1: Elite Trader Status
+ In-Review: The Elite trader's profile is being reviewed. In this status, followers cannot copy trade (the button will be disabled), and the trader will not be displayed on the Leaderboard.
+ Approved: Users are officially approved as Elite Traders. Followers can now follow them, and their data is displayed and searchable on the Leaderboard.
+ Rejected: Users are rejected as Elite Traders and will need to reapply or contact Customer Support to receive feedback. There will be no status shown, you become an usual follower.
Note 2: Elite Trader Registration Conditions
+ No open positions
+ Unfollowed all current Elite Traders
+ No open positions from another Elite Trader → The user's trading history as a follower will be retained in the system.
After completing the registration steps and tasks, the system will send an email to the user notifying them of the successful completion of the profile.
If you have further inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact our Support Team via "Contact Us" function.