If Followers aren’t able to follow a copy trade, it could be for one of several reasons:
1. The Follower’s Derivatives Copy Trading Account has insufficient funds to copy.
2. The maximum copy trades quota of the Elite Trader has been reached.
3. The slippage for the copy order has exceeded the maximum slippage allowed set by Followers. For example, the maximum slippage per order set is 1.8%. If the market price of the copy trade order has exceeded 1.8% of the entry price of the trade initiated by the Elite Trader, it will not be copied. There may be slight variations due to price fluctuations.
4. The maximum position margin per contract or the maximum daily limit set by the Follower has been reached.
5. The follower has enabled (... Mode). This may also prevent Followers from following copy trades if the entry price is worse than the one entered by the Elite Trader.
If you have further inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact our Support Team via "Contact Us" function.